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Mini Dragon Group (ages 6-7)

Public·8 members
Ethan Murphy
Ethan Murphy


Boats may be sailed using a jib alone, but more commonly jibs make a minor direct contribution to propulsion compared to a main sail. Generally, a jib's most crucial function is as an airfoil, increasing performance and overall stability by reducing turbulence on the main sail's leeward side.[1]


On boats with only one jib, it is common for the clew of the jib to be abaft the mast, meaning the jib and mainsail overlap. An overlapping jib is called a genoa jib or simply a genoa (see illustration). These are efficiently used when reaching more broadly than a close reach. Alternatively, a boat may carry smaller jibs, to compensate aerodynamics when the main sail is reefed; these more rugged sails are called storm jibs or spitfires.[2]

Schooners typically have up to three jibs. The foremost one sets on the topmast forestay and is generally called the jib topsail, a second on the main forestay is called the jib, and the innermost is called the staysail. Actually, all three sails are both jibs and staysails in the generic sense.

Original usage in 18th and 19th century square-rigged ships distinguished between the fore staysail, set on the forestay running from the foremast head to the ship's peak, the foremost part of the hull, and the jibs set on stays running to the bowsprit. Jibs, but not staysails, could also be "set flying," i.e. not attached to the standing rigging. Sails set beyond the peak were typically called jibs, set on stays running from the fore topmast to the bowsprit, or the fore topgallant mast to the jibboom or even the fore royal mast to the flying jibboom. A large square-rigged ship typically has four jibs, but could have as many as six.[3][4]

Professional video camera cranes and jibs offer complete control, and help eliminate shakiness when filming panoramic scenes. As a result, you get smooth, high-quality videos. Professional video camera sliders offer similar benefits.

Why Use Camera Cranes and Jibs?Without camera jibs, you'll have your camera in your hands or on a tripod, which limits the number of ways you can shoot your videos. With camera jib arms, the opportunities are limitless. You can take a bird's-eye view for your cooking videos, top-down shots over desks and tables, aerial shots of your audience, and more. These cranes and jibs also allow you to capture videos at various heights without causing interruptions to the footage with each movement. When you use them with professional video camera crane P/T heads, you'll have many more framing options that can help you explore your creativity as a videographer.

To determine the right rig for you, compare the total horizontal and vertical reach of the crane or jib, as well as the types of shots you'll be taking. Small jibs, such as the Kessler pocket jib, have a maximum reach of about 3.5 feet. Advanced models can have a horizontal reach of up to 25 feet. You also need to consider the load capacity of the jib or crane. This depends on the weight of your camcorder or camera, along with other

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