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Mini Dragon Group (ages 6-7)

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Ethan Murphy
Ethan Murphy

Revive - Blink (2010)

The raucous opener "Almost Missed This Moment" presents the listenerwith a catchy chorus and punchy backbeat while the album concludeswith the thoughtfully poignant "Welcome To Eternity". The overallconcept of the album is living in the moment while keeping an eye onthe finish line. Dave Hanbury recounted, "The theme kind of birthedfrom a discussion about how long we might be a band for. Are we gonnabe a band for years and years? Realistically, you never know. So wethought, 'Well, we're gonna do this record. So let's make it aboutsomething that matters.' And it hit us! 'Chasing what matters is agreat theme for the record: Your life is over in a blink. What are yougonna do with it?'"

Revive - Blink (2010)

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Once they arrived at that central idea, the album came together in a proverbial blink. The group wrote and recorded the bulk of the project in a two-month window, purposely challenging itself. Revive enlisted Dove-nominated producers Jason Ingram (Brandon Heath, Tenth Avenue North) and Rusty Varenkamp (Bebo Norman, Rush Of Fools) and worked for the first time with outside songwriters, including Ingram, Ben Glover (Fireflight), singer-songwriter Phillip LaRue and Paul Moak (Matt Maher, Jennifer Knapp).

Blink 182's booking as headliners of Reading and Leeds 2014 is the most exciting prospect we, the festival going British public, currently have to look forward to. Festival Republic have already played the nostalgia booking card on several occasions with the 2010 performance of Blink fresh from reunion and last years decision to revive Eminem who judging by his setlist can't accept that he's 10 years past his sell by date. This time round it's the turn of a band who to many are also rotten fruit a decade after their last popular album. In fact they are faced with the greatest of challenges: to step up to becoming an actual headline band at a notorious UK festival they are well acquainted with. They've gone through the motions from buzz band to worldwide superstars, to the excitement of clawing themselves back from the abyss of 'personal and musical differences'.

He also used vetoes to revive $1-an-hour lakefront parking meters, add more furlough days for county workers next year, cut funding for day treatment mental health services and eliminate 39 parks worker jobs.

His vetoes to revive privatization of scores of county housekeeping and security workers at the courthouse complex and other county buildings will save a combined $3.2 million next year, according to Walker's veto message to the County Board.

With one quarter of the companies in the S&P 500 already reporting, third quarter earnings have been a positive surprise. Eighty-six percent have exceeded earnings estimates and 67 percent have posted higher revenue numbers. What the numbers don't say is that most of those gains have come from overseas.The revenue number is where we should focus our attention. Higher earnings can be achieved by simply continuing to cut costs (by firing workers, for example). However, looking at the revenue numbers gives us a clear understanding of where the growth is coming from. Not much of it is coming from the home front. A lot of that growth is coming from higher sales in Asia and other emerging markets.Since the bottom of the recent recession here in America, the majority of firms in the S&P 500 have been exporting their way into profitability. This quarter was no different. Take United Parcel Services; it is one of the companies that investors consider a good barometer of the global economy because it delivers products everywhere. UPS showed a 3.5 percent increase in growth versus last year here at home while their international growth was 13.7 percent. Many other companies are experiencing the same phenomenon.Clearly, the falling dollar has helped exports as has the increasing strength in emerging market economies, particularly in Asia. And this weekend all eyes will be focused on the latest round of G20 talks in Seoul, where the ongoing battle to "beggar they neighbor" will continue. We can expect currencies to be one of the main topics of conversation since our own U.S. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner has already fired the first broadside. In an open letter he has asked members to "refrain from exchange rate policies designed to achieve competitive advantage by either weakening their currency or preventing appreciation of undervalued currency."In last week's column, "The Coming Currency War," I explained how the world's governments are using their currencies to increase exports at the expense of their neighbors. Clearly, U.S. third-quarter earnings underscore how our own policies have aided and abetted U.S. companies in exporting more. This makes Secretary Geithner's request look a bit suspect in my opinion. It will be interesting to see the response of other governments.I mentioned last week that I was waiting for commodities, specifically gold and silver, to pull back. I expected that pullback to be sharp, and it has been. After hitting a high of $1,380 an ounce, gold dropped as low as $1,317 an ounce in what felt like a blink of the eye. Silver also had a commensurate move downward. As expected, a rise in the dollar was the catalyst for that pullback. Traders will wait until they see the results of this weekend's G20 meet before going back into precious metals or other commodities.There is always the risk that some new policy initiative could strengthen the dollar and thus continue the commodity sell-off. It could happen, but I wouldn't hold my breath. There are few new policy alternatives on the table in Washington to revive the economy so my bet is that after a brief period of strength, the dollar will resume its decline, gold and other commodities will continue higher and so will the stock market. Under that scenario, we are back to buying the dips. Invest accordingly.

Have you all lost track of the fact that sports stars are bombarded with gold-diggers, bimbos and boob jobs t at every blink of the eye?? There are very few men who would be resistant to the kind of "candy store" that athletes and celebrities, etc. (lets not forget ex-presidents and our state leaders) are exposed to. Tiger doesn't owe me anything. He needs to get his house in order, but he doesn't owe golf anything anymore.

Defence has already been mentioned above: the counterillumination against downwelling light is helping an animal defend itself against predation. Some will leave a smokescreen, or even detach a glowing bodypart while swimming away in the dark, and others blink to startle the enemy or to inform their group-mates that an enemy is getting close. 350c69d7ab


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