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Ethan Murphy
Ethan Murphy

Duke Nukem 3d: Everything You Need to Know from the Official Instruction Manual

Duke Nukem 3d Instruction Manual

Welcome to Duke Nukem 3d, one of the most iconic first-person shooters of all time. In this game, you play as Duke Nukem, a badass hero who must save the world from an alien invasion. You will explore various locations, such as cities, space stations, and alien ships, while blasting your way through hordes of enemies with a variety of weapons and items. You will also encounter puzzles, traps, secrets, and easter eggs along the way.

Duke Nukem 3d Instruction Manual

This instruction manual will guide you through everything you need to know about playing Duke Nukem 3d, from installing the game to using cheat codes. Whether you are a new player or a veteran fan, you will find something useful in this manual. So grab your sunglasses and your shotgun, and get ready to kick some alien ass!

Getting Started

To play Duke Nukem 3d, you will need a PC with Windows 95 or higher, a CD-ROM drive, a sound card, and a mouse. You will also need at least 16 MB of RAM and 30 MB of free hard disk space. The game comes on a CD-ROM that contains both the game files and some bonus content, such as wallpapers, screensavers, and demos.

To install the game, insert the CD-ROM into your drive and follow the on-screen instructions. You can choose between a full installation or a minimal installation. The full installation will copy all the game files to your hard disk, while the minimal installation will only copy the essential files and run the rest from the CD-ROM. The full installation is recommended for faster loading times and smoother gameplay.

To run the game, double-click on the Duke Nukem 3d icon on your desktop or in your Start menu. You will see a menu with several options:

  • New Game: Start a new single-player game.

  • Load Game: Load a previously saved game.

  • Save Game: Save your current game.

  • Options: Adjust various settings, such as sound, video, mouse sensitivity, etc.

  • Help: View the help screen with basic information about the game.

  • Quit: Exit the game.

Game Modes

Duke Nukem 3d offers three different game modes for you to enjoy:

  • Single-player: This is the main mode of the game, where you play as Duke Nukem and follow his adventure through four episodes. Each episode consists of several levels that are connected by a storyline. You can choose between four difficulty levels: Piece of Cake (easy), Let's Rock (normal), Come Get Some (hard), and Damn I'm Good (very hard). The higher the difficulty level, the more enemies and traps you will face.

  • Multiplayer: This is where you can play with or against other players online or on a local network. You can choose between two modes: Cooperative and Deathmatch. In Cooperative mode, you and your allies work together to complete the levels and fight the enemies. In Deathmatch mode, you and your opponents compete to kill each other and score the most points. You can customize various aspects of the multiplayer mode, such as the number of players, the level, the weapons, the items, etc.

  • User Maps: This is where you can play custom levels created by other users or yourself. You can download user maps from various websites or create your own using the level editor that comes with the game. You can play user maps in either single-player or multiplayer mode.


Duke Nukem 3d can be controlled using the keyboard, the mouse, or a joystick. You can also customize the controls to suit your preferences. Here is a list of the default controls for each device:




W: Move forward

Left button: Fire weapon

Button 1: Fire weapon

S: Move backward

Right button: Open door / use item

Button 2: Open door / use item

A: Strafe left

Middle button: Jump

Button 3: Jump

D: Strafe right

Wheel up: Next weapon

Button 4: Next weapon

Space: Jump

Wheel down: Previous weapon

Button 5: Previous weapon

E: Open door / use item

Move mouse: Look around / aim

Move joystick: Look around / aim

R: Reload weapon (if applicable)

C: Crouch / swim down

LShift: Run / swim fast

LAlt: Strafe mode (hold to strafe with arrow keys)

LControl: Fire weapon (alternative)

Enter: Inventory use (use selected item)

[ and ]: Inventory cycle (select next or previous item)

1 to 0: Weapon select (select a specific weapon)

F1 to F12: Function keys (perform various actions)

Function keys:


Help screen (view basic information about the game)


Save game (save your current game)


Load game (load a previously saved game)


Sound menu (adjust sound settings)


Music menu (adjust music settings)


Video menu (adjust video settings)


Parental lock (enable or disable parental lock feature)


Detail menu (adjust detail settings)


Restart level (restart the current level from the beginning)


Quit game (exit the game)


Gamma correction (adjust brightness level)



Duke Nukem 3d is a first-person shooter game, which means you see the game world from Duke's perspective and use various weapons to shoot your enemies. You can also interact with the environment, such as opening doors, pushing buttons, breaking windows, etc. You can also use items, such as medkits, armor, jetpacks, etc. to help you survive and complete your objectives.

The game is divided into four episodes: L.A. Meltdown, Lunar Apocalypse, Shrapnel City, and The Birth. Each episode has a different theme and setting, and consists of several levels that are connected by a storyline. You can play the episodes in any order, but it is recommended to play them in chronological order to follow the story.

At the beginning of each level, you will see a brief introduction that tells you your mission and gives you some hints. You can also view the map of the level by pressing Tab. The map shows you your position, the enemies, the items, and the exits. You can also zoom in and out and mark locations on the map.

Your main goal in each level is to find the exit and proceed to the next level. Along the way, you will encounter various enemies that will try to stop you. You will also find weapons and items that will help you fight them. Some levels also have secondary objectives, such as rescuing hostages, destroying generators, activating switches, etc.

You can save your game at any time by pressing F2 and load it by pressing F3. You can also restart the level by pressing F9 or quit the game by pressing F10.


Duke Nukem 3d features a wide range of weapons that you can use to blast your enemies. You can carry up to 10 weapons at a time and switch between them by pressing 1 to 0 or using the mouse wheel or joystick buttons. Some weapons have limited ammo and need to be reloaded by pressing R or LControl. Here is a list of the weapons and their features:

  • Mighty Foot: This is Duke's default weapon and never runs out of ammo. It is basically Duke's boot that he uses to kick his enemies or objects. It is not very powerful, but it can be useful in close combat or when you run out of ammo for other weapons.

  • Pistol: This is Duke's standard firearm and has unlimited ammo. It is a semi-automatic handgun that fires bullets at a moderate rate. It is accurate and reliable, but not very powerful. It is good for taking out weak enemies or shooting distant targets.

  • Shotgun: This is a pump-action shotgun that fires buckshot shells. It is very powerful at close range, but loses accuracy and damage at long range. It can also hit multiple enemies at once if they are close together. It has a slow fire rate and needs to be reloaded after every shot.

  • Chaingun Cannon: This is a rapid-fire machine gun that fires bullets at a high rate. It is very effective at medium range, but consumes ammo quickly and overheats if fired for too long. It can also be used to destroy certain objects, such as barrels or cameras.

  • RPG: This is a rocket-propelled grenade launcher that fires explosive rockets. It is very powerful and can damage multiple enemies or objects in a large radius. However, it has a slow fire rate and reload time, and can also hurt Duke if he is too close to the blast.

  • Pipe Bomb: This is a remote-controlled explosive device that can be thrown or dropped by pressing E or LAlt. It can be detonated by pressing E or LAlt again or by shooting it. It can damage multiple enemies or objects in a large radius, but can also hurt Duke if he is too close to the blast.

  • Shrinker: This is an experimental weapon that fires rays that shrink enemies to a tiny size. Shrunken enemies can be squashed by Duke's foot or other objects. However, some enemies are immune to the shrinker and will not be affected by it.

  • Expander: This is an experimental weapon that fires rays that enlarge enemies to a huge size. Enlarged enemies will explode after a few seconds or when shot. However, some enemies are immune to the expander and will not be affected by it.

  • Devastator: This is a dual-barreled rocket launcher that fires mini-rockets at a very high rate. It is extremely powerful and can destroy almost anything in its path. However, it has a limited ammo capacity and can also hurt Duke if he is too close to the blast.

  • Laser Tripbomb: This is a laser-activated explosive device that can be placed on walls or floors by pressing E or LAlt. It will detonate when an enemy or object crosses the laser beam. It can damage multiple enemies or objects in a large radius, but can also hurt Duke if he is too close to the blast.

  • Freezethrower: This is a cryogenic weapon that fires ice crystals that freeze enemies. Frozen enemies can be shattered by Duke's foot or other weapons. However, some enemies are immune to the freezethrower and will not be frozen by it.

  • Microwave Expander: This is an experimental weapon that fires microwaves that cook enemies from the inside. Cooked enemies will explode after a few seconds or when shot. However, some enemies are immune to the microwave expander and will not be cooked by it.


Duke Nukem 3d features a variety of items that you can use to help you survive and complete your objectives. You can find items scattered around the levels or dropped by enemies. You can also buy some items from vending machines or access them from your inventory by pressing Enter or LShift. Here is a list of the items and their effects:

  • Medkit: This is a first-aid kit that restores 30 health points when used. You can use it by pressing Enter or LShift when it is selected in your inventory.

  • Steroids: These are performance-enhancing drugs that increase Duke's speed and strength for a short time when used. You can use them by pressing Enter or LShift when they are selected in your inventory.

  • Night Vision Goggles: These are special goggles that allow Duke to see in the dark for a limited time when used. You can use them by pressing Enter or LShift when they are selected in your inventory.

  • Holoduke: This is a holographic projector that creates a decoy of Duke that distracts enemies for a short time when used. You can use it by pressing Enter or LShift when it is selected in your inventory.

  • Jetpack: This is a backpack that allows Duke to fly in the air for a limited time when used. You can use it by pressing Enter or LShift when it is selected in your inventory, and then control it with the jump and crouch keys.

  • Protective Boots: These are boots that protect Duke from harmful substances, such as slime, lava, or acid, for a limited time when used. You can use them by pressing Enter or LShift when they are selected in your inventory.

  • Scuba Gear: This is a diving suit that allows Duke to breathe underwater for a limited time when used. You can use it by pressing Enter or LShift when it is selected in your inventory.

  • Armor: This is a vest that reduces the damage Duke takes from enemy attacks by 50% when worn. You can wear it by picking it up from the ground or buying it from a vending machine.

  • Access Card: This is a card that grants Duke access to locked doors or areas when used. You can use it by pressing E or LAlt when you are near a door or area that requires it.

  • Atomic Health: This is a radioactive symbol that increases Duke's maximum health by 10 points when picked up. It also restores 10 health points if Duke's health is below 100.


Duke Nukem 3d features a variety of enemies that you will encounter throughout the game. They range from alien soldiers and mutants to giant bosses and robots. Each enemy has its own appearance, behavior, attack, and weakness. Here is a list of the enemies and their characteristics:

  • Assault Trooper: This is an alien soldier armed with a laser rifle. It shoots at Duke from a distance and sometimes throws pipe bombs. It has low health and can be easily killed with any weapon.

  • Pig Cop: This is an alien mutant that resembles a humanoid pig wearing a police uniform. It attacks with a shotgun at close range and sometimes rides a hoverbike. It has moderate health and can be killed with any weapon, but especially with the shotgun or the RPG.

or the RPG.

  • Octabrain: This is an alien mutant that resembles a giant octopus with a brain. It attacks with psychic blasts that can damage Duke even through walls. It can also swim and fly. It has high health and can be killed with any weapon, but especially with the shrinker or the expander.

  • Recon Patrol Vehicle: This is an alien hoverbike that is sometimes ridden by a pig cop. It shoots rockets at Duke from a distance and can also ram him at high speed. It has high health and can be killed with any weapon, but especially with the RPG or the devastator.

  • Sentry Drone: This is an alien robot that flies around and shoots lasers at Duke. It can also self-destruct when near Duke or when shot. It has low health and can be killed with any weapon, but especially with the shotgun or the chaingun cannon.

  • Protector Drone: This is an alien robot that flies around and shoots plasma balls at Duke. It can also self-destruct when near Duke or when shot. It has moderate health and can be killed with any weapon, but especially with the RPG or the devastator.

  • Battlelord: This is an alien boss that appears at the end of the first episode. It is a huge creature with a minigun and a mortar. It shoots bullets and rockets at Duke from a distance and can also stomp him at close range. It has very high health and can be killed with any weapon, but especially with the devastator or the pipe bombs.

  • Overlord: This is an alien boss that appears at the end of the second episode. It is a huge creature with a plasma cannon and a claw. It shoots plasma balls and lasers at Duke from a distance and can also grab him with its claw at close range. It has very high health and can be killed with any weapon, but especially with the RPG or the pipe bombs.

  • Cycloid Emperor: This is an alien boss that appears at the end of the third episode. It is a huge creature with a rocket launcher and an eye. It shoots rockets and fireballs at Duke from a distance and can also stomp him at close range. It has very high health and can be killed with any weapon, but especially with the devastator or the pipe bombs.

  • Alien Queen: This is an alien boss that appears at the end of the fourth episode. It is a huge creature with a mouth and tentacles. It spawns eggs that hatch into facehuggers that attack Duke. It also shoots acid blobs and tentacles at Duke from a distance and can also bite him at close range. It has very high health and can be killed with any weapon, but especially with the freezethrower or the microwave expander.


Duke Nukem 3d features many secrets that you can discover throughout the game. Secrets are hidden areas or items that are not obvious or easy to find. They often contain useful weapons, items, health, armor, or easter eggs. You can tell if you have found a secret by hearing a sound effect and seeing a message on the screen.

To find secrets, you need to explore every corner of the levels and look for clues, such as cracks, vents, switches, posters, etc. You also need to use your weapons or items to break walls, open doors, activate platforms, etc. Some secrets are also triggered by events, such as killing enemies, destroying objects, or completing objectives.

Finding secrets is not required to complete the game, but it can make your gameplay easier and more fun. You can also earn bonus points for finding secrets, which are added to your score at the end of each level.

Tips and Tricks

Duke Nukem 3d is not an easy game, especially on higher difficulty levels. You will face many challenges and dangers along your way. Here are some tips and tricks that can help you survive and succeed in the game:

  • Save often: The game does not have checkpoints or autosaves, so you need to save your game manually by pressing F2. You should save your game frequently, especially before entering a new area or facing a tough enemy.

  • Use cover: The enemies in the game are not dumb; they will shoot at you from afar and take cover themselves. You should do the same; use walls, pillars, crates, etc. to hide from enemy fire and peek out to shoot back.

  • Aim for the head: The enemies in the game have different hit zones, and the head is the most vulnerable. You can deal more damage and sometimes kill enemies instantly by shooting them in the head.

  • Conserve ammo: The ammo in the game is limited and sometimes scarce. You should not waste your ammo on weak enemies or objects; use your pistol or your foot instead. You should also switch to the appropriate weapon for each situation; use the shotgun for close range, the chaingun cannon for medium range, the RPG for long range, etc.

  • Use items: The items in the game can be very helpful in various situations. You should use them wisely and not hoard them; use medkits when you are low on health, steroids when you need to run fast, jetpack when you need to fly, etc.

  • Explore: The levels in the game are not linear; they have multiple paths, rooms, and secrets. You should explore every inch of the levels and look for weapons, items, health, armor, or easter eggs. You might also find shortcuts, alternative routes, or hidden objectives.

Have fun: The game is not meant to be taken seriously; it is full of humor, references, and parodies. You sh


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  • Ethan Murphy
    Ethan Murphy
  • Frank Titskey
    Frank Titskey
  • Christine Stevralia
  • Angel Roberto Romero
    Angel Roberto Romero
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    Elijah Rogers


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