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Satoskar Textbook of Pharmacology PDF: An Integrated Approach to Drug Discovery and Development

Satoskar Textbook of Pharmacology PDF Download

Are you looking for a comprehensive, reliable and up-to-date book on pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics? Do you want to learn how drugs act on the human body and how they can be used to treat various diseases? Do you want to have a PDF version of the book that you can access anytime and anywhere? If your answer is yes, then you have come to the right place. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Satoskar textbook of pharmacology PDF download. We will explain what pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics are, why Satoskar textbook is a good choice for learning them, what are the features of the book, how to download the PDF version, how to use it effectively, and more. So, without further ado, let's get started.


What is pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics?

Pharmacology is the branch of science that deals with the study of drugs and their interactions with living systems. It covers various aspects of drug discovery, development, testing, approval, administration, distribution, metabolism, excretion, mechanism of action, effects, side effects, interactions, indications, contraindications, dosage, etc. Pharmacology is divided into several sub-disciplines, such as clinical pharmacology, molecular pharmacology, pharmacogenetics, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, toxicology, etc.

Pharmacotherapeutics is the branch of pharmacology that focuses on the use of drugs for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases. It involves the application of pharmacological principles and knowledge to select appropriate drugs for specific conditions, design optimal dosing regimens, monitor drug response and adverse effects, adjust therapy as needed, educate patients and caregivers about drug use, etc. Pharmacotherapeutics is also known as therapeutics or clinical pharmacy.

Why is Satoskar textbook a good choice for learning pharmacology?

Satoskar textbook of pharmacology is one of the most popular and widely used books on pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics in India and other countries. It was first published in 1988 by Dr. R.S. Satoskar, Dr. S.D. Bhandarkar and Dr. Nirmala Rege. Since then, it has been revised and updated regularly to keep pace with the advances in molecular biology, drug discovery and development, clinical practice guidelines and evidence-based medicine. The latest edition (26th) was published in 2020 by Elsevier Health Sciences.

Satoskar textbook of pharmacology has several advantages that make it a good choice for learning pharmacology. Some of them are:

  • It covers all the topics related to pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics in a comprehensive, accurate and reliable manner.

  • It adopts an integrated approach that intertwines current knowledge of pathophysiology of diseases, pharmacology of available drugs and strategies for medical management of diseases.

  • It provides structured pedagogy that facilitates feature-rich presentation and organization of the content, making it more student friendly.

  • It is richly illustrated with diagrams, tables, boxes and videos that explain physiology, complex concepts, relevant drug features and principles of pharmacotherapy.

  • It highlights key points in pharmacology and pharmacotherapy of diseases throughout the book.

  • It gives practical tips that serve as a reference guide in practice so that students can treat their patients effectively and confidently.

Features of Satoskar Textbook of Pharmacology

Overview of the book

Satoskar textbook of pharmacology consists of 16 sections and an appendix. The sections are as follows:

  • General Pharmacology

  • Drugs Acting on the Central Nervous System

  • Local Anaesthetics

  • Autonomic Nervous System

  • Other Biogenic Amines and Polypeptides

  • Drugs Used in Respiratory Disorders

  • Cardiovascular Drugs

  • Drugs Acting on Blood and Blood Forming Organs

  • Drugs Affecting Renal Functions

  • Drugs Used in Disorders of the Gastrointestinal Tract

  • Oxytocics and Uterine Relaxants

  • Chemotherapy

  • Drugs Used in Endocrine Disorders

  • Drugs Used in Common Skin and Eye Disorders

  • Immunopharmacology

  • Miscellaneous

The appendix contains a guide to further reading, illustration credits and an index. The book has a total of 1160 pages.

Content and structure

The content of Satoskar textbook of pharmacology is based on the latest curriculum of the Medical Council of India (MCI), which lays emphasis on integration with clinical and pre-clinical subjects, clearly states subject competencies and defines domains and levels to be achieved for each of them. The book also follows the current guidelines for therapeutic decisions and evidence-based medicine.

The structure of Satoskar textbook of pharmacology is designed to facilitate easy understanding and retention of the information. Each section begins with an introduction that gives an overview of the topic and its relevance. Each chapter then covers the following aspects:

  • The definition, classification, nomenclature, sources, chemistry, physical properties, etc. of the drugs.

  • The pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, mechanism of action, effects, side effects, interactions, etc. of the drugs.

  • The indications, contraindications, dosage, administration, monitoring, etc. of the drugs.

  • The pharmacotherapy of various diseases and conditions related to the topic.

  • The case studies, clinical scenarios, problem-solving exercises, etc. that illustrate the application of pharmacological knowledge in practice.

Pedagogy and illustrations

The pedagogy of Satoskar textbook of pharmacology is aimed at enhancing the learning outcomes and making the book more interactive and engaging. Some of the pedagogical features are:

  • Learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter that outline the expected outcomes.

  • Key points at the end of each chapter that summarize the main points.

  • Review questions at the end of each chapter that test the comprehension and recall of the information.

  • Clinical pearls that provide practical tips and insights for clinical practice.

  • Clinical correlations that link pharmacological concepts to clinical situations.

  • Clinical boxes that highlight important clinical aspects or controversies related to drugs or diseases.

  • Evidence-based boxes that present relevant research findings or recommendations from authoritative sources.

  • New drug boxes that introduce new drugs or drug classes that have been recently approved or are under development.

The illustrations of Satoskar textbook of pharmacology are aimed at supporting the text and enhancing the visual appeal and readability of the book. Some of the illustrative features are:

  • Diagrams that explain physiology, complex concepts, mechanisms of action, effects, etc. of drugs or diseases.

  • Tables that display data or information in a structured way.

  • Boxes that highlight key facts or features related to drugs or diseases.

  • Videos (animations) that demonstrate processes or phenomena related to drugs or diseases.

How to Download Satoskar Textbook of Pharmacology PDF

Benefits of having a PDF version

Having a PDF version of Satoskar textbook of pharmacology can have several benefits for students and practitioners. Some of them are:

  • It is portable and accessible. You can carry the PDF file in your laptop, tablet, smartphone or any other device and access it anytime and anywhere without the need of carrying a heavy hard copy.

  • It is searchable and editable. You can use the search function to find any word, phrase or topic in the PDF file and quickly locate the relevant information. You can also edit the PDF file to add notes, highlights, bookmarks, etc. to personalize your learning.

  • It is cost-effective and eco-friendly. You can save money by downloading the PDF file instead of buying a hard copy. You can also save paper and ink by avoiding printing the PDF file.

Sources and links for downloading the PDF

There are several sources and links for downloading the PDF version of Satoskar textbook of pharmacology. Some of them are:

  • Google Books: Google Books is a service that allows you to search, preview and download books online. You can find Satoskar textbook of pharmacology on Google Books by typing the title or ISBN in the search box. You can then preview some pages of the book and download the PDF file if it is available. The link for Google Books is

  • Library Genesis: Library Genesis is a website that provides free access to millions of books and articles in various formats, including PDF. You can find Satoskar textbook of pharmacology on Library Genesis by typing the title or ISBN in the search box. You can then download the PDF file from one of the mirrors provided. The link for Library Genesis is

  • Z-Library: Z-Library is another website that provides free access to millions of books and articles in various formats, including PDF. You can find Satoskar textbook of pharmacology on Z-Library by typing the title or ISBN in the search box. You can then download the PDF file from one of the links provided. The link for Z-Library is

Tips and precautions for downloading the PDF

While downloading the PDF version of Satoskar textbook of pharmacology can have many benefits, it can also have some risks and challenges. Therefore, you should follow some tips and precautions to ensure a safe and smooth downloading process. Some of them are:

  • Check the legality and quality of the source and link before downloading the PDF file. Some sources and links may be illegal, unreliable, outdated or infected with malware. You should only download the PDF file from trusted and verified sources and links that have good reviews and ratings.

  • Check the size and format of the PDF file before downloading it. Some PDF files may be too large or incompatible with your device or software. You should only download the PDF file that has a reasonable size and format that suits your needs and preferences.

  • Use a secure and stable internet connection and device for downloading the PDF file. Some internet connections and devices may be slow, unstable or vulnerable to hacking or interruption. You should use a fast, reliable and secure internet connection and device that can handle the downloading process without any problems.

  • Backup and protect your PDF file after downloading it. Some PDF files may get lost, damaged or corrupted due to various reasons. You should backup your PDF file to another device or cloud storage service and protect it with a password or encryption to prevent unauthorized access or misuse.

How to Use Satoskar Textbook of Pharmacology PDF Effectively

Strategies for reading and studying pharmacology

Reading and studying pharmacology can be challenging and overwhelming for many students and practitioners. However, with some strategies and techniques, you can make it easier and more enjoyable. Some of them are:

  • Set a goal and plan for reading and studying pharmacology. You should have a clear idea of what you want to learn, why you want to learn it, how much time you have, how you will measure your progress, etc. You should also plan your reading and studying schedule according to your goal, availability, learning style, etc.

  • Use active reading and studying methods for pharmacology. You should not just passively read or study pharmacology, but actively engage with it by asking questions, making notes, summarizing, paraphrasing, comparing, contrasting, applying, etc. You should also use various resources and tools to supplement your reading and studying, such as lectures, videos, podcasts, quizzes, flashcards, etc.

  • Review and revise pharmacology regularly and systematically. You should not just read or study pharmacology once and forget about it, but review and revise it frequently and systematically to reinforce your learning and retention. You should use various methods of review and revision, such as spaced repetition, testing, self-explanation, teaching, etc.

Tips for memorizing and applying pharmacological concepts

Memorizing and applying pharmacological concepts can be difficult and daunting for many students and practitioners. However, with some tips and tricks, you can make it easier and more fun. Some of them are:

  • Use mnemonics and acronyms to memorize pharmacological concepts. Mnemonics and acronyms are memory aids that help you remember pharmacological concepts by using words, phrases, sentences, images, etc. that are easy to recall. For example, you can use the mnemonic "ABCDE" to remember the adverse effects of anticholinergic drugs: Anorexia, Blurred vision, Constipation, Dry mouth, Euphoria.

  • Use associations and connections to memorize pharmacological concepts. Associations and connections are mental links that help you remember pharmacological concepts by relating them to something else that is familiar or meaningful to you. For example, you can use the association of "red" to remember the drugs that cause hemolysis: Rifampin, Ethambutol, Dapsone.

  • Use examples and scenarios to apply pharmacological concepts. Examples and scenarios are practical situations that help you apply pharmacological concepts by showing how they are relevant or useful in real life. For example, you can use the example of a patient with asthma to apply the concept of bronchodilators: A patient with asthma has difficulty breathing due to bronchoconstriction. Bronchodilators are drugs that relax the smooth muscles of the bronchi and increase the airflow to the lungs. They can be given by inhalation or orally to treat asthma.

Resources and tools for enhancing pharmacological learning

There are many resources and tools available online and offline that can help you enhance your pharmacological learning. Some of them are:

  • Online courses and platforms: There are many online courses and platforms that offer free or paid courses on pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics. You can enroll in these courses or platforms to learn from experts, interact with peers, access quality content, etc. Some examples of online courses and platforms are Coursera, Udemy, Khan Academy, etc.

  • Online forums and communities: There are many online forums and communities that provide a space for discussing, sharing and learning about pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics. You can join these forums or communities to ask questions, answer questions, exchange ideas, get feedback, etc. Some examples of online forums and communities are Reddit, Quora, Facebook groups, etc.

  • Online databases and repositories: There are many online databases and repositories that store and provide information on drugs, diseases, guidelines, etc. You can use these databases or repositories to search for reliable and updated information on pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics. Some examples of online databases and repositories are DrugBank, PubMed, Cochrane Library, etc.

  • Apps and software: There are many apps and software that offer various features and functions to help you learn pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics. You can use these apps or software to create flashcards, take quizzes, watch videos, track your progress, etc. Some examples of apps and software are Anki, Quizlet, Medscape, etc.


pharmacology of available drugs and strategies for medical management of diseases. It provides structured pedagogy that facilitates feature-rich presentation and organization of the content, making it more student friendly. It is richly illustrated with diagrams, tables, boxes and videos that explain physiology, complex concepts, relevant drug features and principles of pharmacotherapy. It highlights key points in pharmacology and pharmacotherapy of diseases throughout the book. It gives practical tips that serve as a reference guide in practice so that students can treat their patients effectively and confidently.

You can download the PDF version of Satoskar textbook of pharmacology from various sources and links online. Having a PDF version can have many benefits, such as portability, accessibility, searchability, editability, cost-effectiveness and eco-friendliness. However, you should also follow some tips and precautions to ensure a safe and smooth downloading process, such as checking the legality and quality of the source and link, checking the size and format of the PDF file, using a secure and stable internet connection and device, and backing up and protecting your PDF file.

You can also use Satoskar textbook of pharmacology PDF effectively by using some strategies and techniques for reading and studying pharmacology, such as setting a goal and plan, using active reading and studying methods, reviewing and revising regularly and systematically. You can also use some tips and tricks for memorizing and applying pharmacological concepts, such as using mnemonics and acronyms, using associations and connections, using examples and scenarios. You can also use various resources and tools to enhance your pharmacological learning, such as online courses and platforms, online forums and communities, online databases and repositories, apps and software.

We hope this article has helped you learn more about Satoskar textbook of pharmacology PDF download. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. Thank you for reading and happy learning!


Here are some frequently asked questions about Satoskar textbook of pharmacology PDF download:

  • What is the ISBN of Satoskar textbook of pharmacology?

The ISBN of Satoskar textbook of pharmacology 26th edition is 978-81-312-4941-3.

  • How much does Satoskar textbook of pharmacology cost?

The price of Satoskar textbook of pharmacology 26th edition varies depending on the source and format. The hard copy costs around Rs. 1,500 on Amazon India. The PDF version may be free or paid depending on the source and link.

  • Is Satoskar textbook of pharmacology available in other languages?

Satoskar textbook of pharmacology is originally written in English. However, it may be translated into other languages by other publishers or authors. You can search for Satoskar textbook of pharmacology in other languages online or offline.

  • Is Satoskar textbook of pharmacology suitable for beginners?

pharmacology of available drugs and strategies for medical management of diseases. It provides structured pedagogy that facilitates feature-rich presentation and organization of the content, making it more student friendly. It is richly illustrated with diagrams, tables, boxes and videos that explain physiology, complex concepts, relevant drug features and principles of pharmacotherapy. It highlights key points in pharmacology and pharmacotherapy of diseases throughout the book. It gives practical tips that serve as a reference guide in practice so that students can treat their patients effectively and confidently.

  • How can I cite Satoskar textbook of pharmacology?

You can cite Satoskar textbook of pharmacology using the following format:


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