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Young Ninja Group (ages 3-5)

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Ethan Murphy
Ethan Murphy

The Sensation In Homoeopathy !NEW!

This much awaited book describes (using many case examples) the concept and use of Sankaran's latest, and most significant contributions: the seven levels of experience and sensations plus new case taking techniques and further work on miasms and kingdoms.The book looks at how to observe and utilize the active energy patterns of the patient (hand gestures and body movements), and the patients sensations. Certain energy in precise sensations link both the chief complaint and the general state of the patient and this is explained in full with practical case taking tips and examples. The system also incorporates miasm and kingdom classification as well as the 'Levels', into one comprehensive, sophisticated, yet elegantly simple way of perceiving the patient. About the author:Rajan Sankaran (born 1960)Dr. Rajan Sankaran is a world famous homeopath. He is renowned for his groundbreaking ideas and for his visionary way of thinking in homeopathy. Whether it is in the domain of philosophy or materia medica his deep insights have profoundly affected the way many homeopaths think and practice today. Some of the radical ideas that Rajan has brought us include: searching for the central disturbance within the individual, expanding the concept and spectrum of miasmatic classification, and looking at situational materia medica. Most recently he has been exploring classification within the natural world and working with kingdoms and subkingdoms. Simultaneous to this is his search to find the 'vital sensation' in the case and his teaching of the 'seven levels of experience' within the human being. If anyone can claim to have pushed the forward the boundaries in homeopathy in recent decades then Rajan surely is that person.He is globally renowned as a clear and innovative thinker and is best known for his original and inspired concepts in homoeopathy. His ideas and lucid style make him very popular as a teacher amongst homoeopaths worldwide. His seminars and teaching courses have been widely attended internationally. Rajan Sankaran is a homeopathic doctor and practices in Mumbai, he has been practicing homeopathy since 1981. He is the son of the homeopath Dr. P. Sankaran.

The Sensation in Homoeopathy

We illustrate the 'vital sensation' of mineral-based homeopathic medicines as revealed by an interview style based on a synthesis of the Bombay method and Scholten's, understanding derived from the periodic table. The 'Bombay method', described by Rajan Sankaran, builds on homeopathic teaching giving a structure to guide the gathering and synthesising homeopathic data. The concept of 'levels' gives a route to the deepest reflection of the vital disturbance, the vital sensation. Moving through the levels of fact, symptom, emotion, delusion and finally vital sensation provides valuable prescribing information. These aspects are discussed in conjunction with the kingdoms: plant, mineral and animal, focusing on the mineral kingdom. By synthesizing information relating to the concepts of vital sensation and kingdom we can reduce uncertainly in homeopathic prescribing.

A sour taste in the mouth, an acid or burning sensation in the stomach, sour vomiting, regurgitated bits of food, and a yellow coating on the tongue are all indications for this remedy. The person may have problems after consuming dairy products or too much sugar. Another indication for Natrum phos is a craving for fried eggs.

Aims This unit aims to familiarise you with the in-depth study of remedies from the plant kingdom in homeopathy. You will explore plant classification and the different plant families, looking at how plant adaptations can relate to their signature, and how the vital sensation can be perceived in members of the same botanical plant family. You will also look at plants in relation to the Sensation Method and miasmatic theory and how this method can be used to make remedy selection easier. In addition you will study a group of remedies from a plant sub family and analyse a further two homeopathic cases.Learning Outcomes At the end of this unit you will be able to:

Aims This unit aims to help you consolidate your learning to date and ensure you have a firm understanding of the many tools used in modern homeopathy. You will study how to use these tools effectively in your analysis of cases in order to find remedies suitable for your patients. The tools discussed include time-lines, miasms, direction of cure, rubrics, gestures, the Mappa Mundi, vital sensation, levels and kingdoms. In addition you will further develop your case taking skills by applying an integrated approach to a new homeopathic case.Learning Outcomes At the end of this unit you will be able to:

The fundamental idea is that a remedy is curative when it is given on the basis of the patient's deepest level of experience, his/her vital sensation. At that level, there is an energy which corresponds to something non-human, something which is like a plant, mineral or animal. It seems like non-sense. It is as if there are two songs playing in the same person: the human part, which is supposed to be there, and the non-human, which isn't. The song of the remedy will express itself with the language of its kingdom: plant sensitivity, mineral structure, or animal survival. It will express itself precisely as the song of a substance.

Central to Sankaran's thesis is the concept of 'levels'. In the chapter called 'Deeper Insights' he expands on this: level one is 'name', two is 'fact', three is 'feeling/emotion', four is 'delusion', five is 'vital sensation', six is 'energy'. Each level arises from the one before, though in a circular, rather than linear fashion: from the level of 'name' (e.g. headache) to 'fact' (worse lying down) to 'emotion/feeling' (it makes me sad) to 'delusion' (it feels as if someone is driving a nail into my head), to 'sensation' (my head is splitting open) to 'energy' (to follow this progression, the source of the remedy might be from the tree family conifers). Equally, you can move in the other direction: 'energy' gives rise to the 'sensation' which gives rise to the 'delusion', which gives rise to the 'feeling/emotion' and so on. Then, Sankaran addresses the question of the next level - level seven which has no other name. It is the level from which energy itself arises. Within this discussion he says, "We experience the Seventh level just at the moment of conception, where something, a life or energy form occurs from nothing, just as creation has happened out of nothing. It is therefore the basis for energy. It is also experienced by us as a void at the moment of death." (p.225) In this way, Sankaran links our understanding of homeopathy to our human craving to comprehend the origin of life itself, within the universe. It gives the practical application of this discipline a spiritual base. Here some may agree, some may disagree. It hardly matters, for everything to level six can be verified repeatedly.

Whereas the first half of the book reviews and expands on the basic principles, the second half is concerned with its application, starting with the case-taking itself. There is something special about this process. The aim of the case-taking is to find 'the non-human' part, to go beyond the story, the emotions, the situation, and discern the essence of something which is usually hidden or concealed within the human expressions. Previously, Sankaran would aim to perceive the 'delusion' of the patient. Now, he says, he "chases the main complaint", since the physical expression of disease is the very crystallisation of the general vital disturbance. From that starting point, the patient moves from the local sensation of the complaint to the corresponding general vital sensation, which when verified at all levels, completes the case.

The words of the patient, at the level of the vital sensation, are the source words. When the patient comes to this level, it feels strange and irrational, and the patient will seek to go back to the more familiar 'human' and rational levels. But this is precisely the point in the case taking where, if they are reassured that it is okay to talk this 'nonsense', they will lead you to the source. What makes no sense corresponds to something strange and peculiar. By paying attention to the unconscious expressions, such as hand gestures, or body movements, you can perceive even more about this energy. This is most true when the gesture is incongruent with the words used. To go to this level of the case is not always easy. In as much as it is uncomfortable, the patient often resists. But once there, the remedy will reveal itself.

Finally, the proof of the pudding: Sankaran discusses the follow-up, and how to determine the degree and nature of improvement. Ultimately, the change must be evaluated at the level of the vital sensation. There should be a shift at this level, and the overall 'state' should be reduced. If this is so, then the pathology has to improve. If the pathology has not improved at all, then it is probable that at the level of vital sensation there has not been a shift either. The last part of this book covers some discussion about acute situations, the method as it can be applied to children, some further points of clarification, and ideas for further advancement.

The aim of this book is to revise and enlarge upon concepts which he has developed to systematize homeopathy. The concepts of kingdoms, miasms, sensation and levels, as he is at pains to point out on several occasions, are based on the very solid foundation of knowledge of homeopathic philosophy, materia medica and repertory. This is not a new method of homeopathy which disregards traditional teaching but rather leads to a deeper understanding of the case and the remedy.

Part III: This is the largest section of the book and is split, somewhat arbitrarily, into two parts. The reader is taken to a deeper level of understanding of the patient, looking beyond the delusion to the level of sensation and energy. Sankaran then introduces us to his most recent thinking on the Seven Levels of Experience. His observations in clinical practice have led him to a realisation that patients experience pathology at varying levels and his current thinking is that there are seven identifiable. These are: Name, Fact, Feeling, Delusion, Sensation, Energy, The space that supports the energy level. This is the most difficult section of the book but one well worth revisiting; the summary on pages 252-253 is particularly helpful. 041b061a72


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